Clearing A Path With Gaia + Her Dragons
There will be Light Language, Channeling, Gallery Style Audience Readings and a lot of high vibrational Fun!
Join Galactic Ashley + Susy Parker Goins for an evening of Channeled Divine Messages from Gaia’s Dragons and your Dragon Guardians, on how to consciously clear pathways so that you can stand in your creative power.
Galactic Ashley will be channeling the Dragon Consciousness, A-Eon Collective, and other Galactic Dragon Energies while Susy channels Gaia, Anat- Hat Dragon, and more of Gaia’s Dragons!
During this 2 hour, Live Online Event we will gather together to channel Gaia’s Dragons and Cosmic Dragon Lineages that will bring you healing and offerings in the form of Divine Messages!
Bring your questions and open hearts!
This is a *FREE Event, so you may come as you are and open to receive inspiration, loving energy, Divine Guidance and healing from your Divine Beings!
Message from Gaia + Susy Parker Goins:
You are called upon now to clear out, not only your outdated thought patterns but those of your ancestors. Clearing the path for growth into the incoming paradigm. Quiet yourself. Breathe. Open. Except. Envision and integrate the new.
– Gaia
A message from the Dragon Consciousness + Galactic Ashley:
We are here to assist and support the Wounded Healer, Light Warrior, Empath, Galactic, etc to open oneself as the Love that you are while simultaneously realizing that the battle is not so much with enemies in the world as with these primordial habits that cause humans to regress into unconsciousness and repeat the behavior patterns of the past. In our arms, fears putrefy, you absorb the chaos inside you. We bring to you, your Divine Dragon, you allow it to purify you, until Dragon disappears. When that happens, the Dragon has merged with you, transforming both of you into one perfected being. You remember you’re wholeness through your emptiness. You overcome the entrenched dichotomy between inside and outside, conveying unification of the felt sense of your human experience while remembering the vastness of your being and the greatness of your place within your Cosmic Connections, the New Earth, and the Universe.
– Da’at (Faction of the Dragon Consciousness)
Watch the most recent Channeling events that Susy and Galactic Ashley co-hosted together for FREE!!
Hindsight is 20/20
Ideal Self
I am a channel for Divine. My conscious self steps aside to allow Beings of Love to come through to talk to you. Ask questions. Tell a joke. Help you move forward on your Path to Realizing Your True Self. As a channel and past-life specialist, together, we can discover resolutions, clear blockages, open your heart and soul to release old patterns enabling you to become a more fully-realized, loving being. I have been connecting people with Spirit using a variety of tools and techniques for over 25 years.
I channel Divine Guidance for Starseeds connecting them to their Star Families and Galactic Lineages. I use Light Language frequencies and work with your Cosmic Connections to facilitate high-frequency healing transmissions and encoded activations.