MeWe Metaphysical + Wellness Fair

Enjoy ~15 Readers, Healers, Coaches & Vendors at our ONLINE MeWe Metaphysical & Wellness, Body Mind Heart & Soul Fair! Free Admission!

Come experience a sampling of different metaphysical, intuitive and alternative health Practitioners sharing wisdom, guidance and more – very similar to a live event in person, but we meet online!

Every Fair includes a different set of practitioners offering a wide range of modalities.
See the list of Practitioners, Vendors & Talks for this Fair below.


• Tarot & Crystal Ball Readings with SerenWitchery
• Coyote Intuition: Color, Sound & Symbol Readings from Outside Time with Amanda Root)
• Animal Energy Healing & Communication Readings with Donna Sauer
• Light Language Healing + Channeled Messages with Galactic Ashley
• Intuitive Eye Readings & Body Psychology with Laureli Shimayo
• Intuitive Soul Sessions Using Tools of Hypnosis and Oracle Decks with Michelle Skaletski-Boyd
• Akashic Record Readings with Sainoor Premji

How it works

We’ll start off together in the Main Room, then attendees will be able to move through Practitioner/Vendor Breakout Rooms (like Booths at a Fair) connecting with as many Practitioners & Vendors and listening to as many Talks, Group Healings/Readings etc. as they like!

Free free to drop in at any time during the event and stay as long or as short as you’d like. If you arrive in the middle of the event, it may seem very quiet because everyone is in the Breakout Rooms. The admin staff in the Main Room (e.g., Laureli, Anissa, Geo) will get you all set up and into the flow.  

Join the Fair online at – simply click on the big button. You’ll go to… (password 058314)

The beginning of all Fairs is now being recorded and shared in places such as Facebook Live, so by attending a Fair you are giving us permission to use this recording in publicizing this and future MeWe Fairs or individual Practitioner/Vendor offerings. If you prefer privacy, keep your video off or join by phone, etc. If you want to ask a question of our practitioners with privacy, chat with them in a Breakout Room and/or book a Session!

Please note that this event is not a therapeutic setting, and we are not here in the role of counselors. If you have needs that would best be served by a mental health professional, do not consider this event as a substitute for such care.

The event is finished.

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Mar 13 2021


5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

More Info



Zoom: Online