My Yoni and my womb space are not for holding fear. They are not dumping grounds for your unprocessed emotions. They are free. I am free. I have decolonized my body. I have complete access to my body’s memories.
Wild child,
Hear us now.
The womb-empowered feminine is beyond anything you can identify with now, she is unknown to you, you have to die to find her, and still, you will not find her. She is the unknowable formless divine. Yet, she is known by you and you her. You are mastered in this way, the keeper of all that is unknown, yet, always known by you. You KNOW. And as you die you will remember, lest you die again and all that you must do is rebirth yourself once more.
Beloved Wild Fire heart of ours, you birthed yourself into this lifetime and you shall die with grace and rebirth toward your calling until it is time for your return. As you remember you shall know. It is time. Now.
The womb-empowered feminine is a force like no other, one that is masterful and flows in the deepest of darkness.
She is the ultimate choice point of creative life force. She rebirths herself over and over in the void of her own womb. She creates from the womb and knows limitlessness as the only available option. You are the womb and as such you are the cosmic mother to all and love unconditionally every living thing.
– The A-Eonic Consciousness (Mother Force Frequency) + Galactic Ashley
Light Language Transmissions (TikTok)
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