Intentional emotional processing clears pathways and opens connections with your Guides, Star Family, and intuition allowing you to embody the seed of light that is within you. Trauma feels personal, but it is universal. Its purpose serves to awaken your inner light. Oftentimes, pain is the gateway to our souls’ ascension. Part of our purpose here on earth at a very basic level is to experience: 1. being human 2. having a physical body 3. process/heal collective karmic and ancestral patterns in order to return all of life to love. (That’s it!! LOL SO EASY)
On a more Earthly level, in our day-to-day living, any overwhelming emotions that are suppressed are stored in our subconscious. 95% – 97% of our behavior is driven by emotions that are suppressed in the subconscious. For example, when we think of ancestral trauma, our parents, grandparents, and ancestors survived different times, they passed on their suppressed emotions through (generations of) their parenting. That’s a lot of unprocessed emotion! Luckily, we have awareness and healing tools.
The more that we are able to heal within ourselves, the more clarity we are able to experience. Why? Because when we heal these distortions from our energy field, it’s as if we are carefully washing Crown glass windows from an inherited home that hasn’t been touched in generations. We can literally SEE through the glass and see what (actually) IS! Yes, you are lifting the veils of illusion.
When you desire to know where you are holding distortions in your energy field and are ready to consciously work with your subconscious, you may begin the process with the following:
1. Hold within you the willingness and the desire to be shown the truth of your distortions (or insert a different intention here). By doing so, you activate Divine Will, remembering that you are the embodiment of Divine Will––it is you as the Divine One who is Willing. You are not acting out or following the will of outside god energy. Rather, you are experiencing an embodied expression of your Sovereignty.
2. Ask for courage to support you.
3. Always hold yourself in unconditional love––to the best of your ability––requesting that the Frequency of Unconditional Love be brought directly into your experience, especially when you struggle to love yourself.
Unconditional Love is your Divine Birthright, it is who you already are, have been, and will be. Although this is not currently part of the Human Experience––it bears repeating––know, that Unconditional Love is not something that needs to be brought to you because it already is of you. You will remember this Divine Truth as you journey your path of highest health while consciously choosing to work with love, and consequently, acquire the ability to embody greater and greater frequencies of unconditional love.
4. Practice compassionate observation during this process.
2. Invite the Frequency of Truth into the foundation of your vibration.
After sending this Divine Invitation out into the Universe, you may experience the Frequencies of Fear begin to arise (more on this, in the future). As you invite this beautiful pure frequency into the vibration of your foundation, you are requesting just that, that the truth of what is, be revealed to you with absolute clarity. This may be experienced as quite a disruptive energy. You are asking to be shown where it is that you have been dishonest with yourself and with others. You are seeking the false belief systems that (you allow un/consciously to) imprison you with programmed patterns where you identify as your fear and as your shame, tightly gripping onto the known––illusions and separation––over the unknown.
Have faith in your ability to witness the fullness of the Human Experience. Grow courage. Expand love, just enough to be with your vulnerabilities long enough for them to reveal the truth––that these are where your greatest gifts and strengths have been left alone in the fear of darkness masquerading as weaknesses and shame.
You will never feel a pain stronger than any one of these swords.
The swords are in you but they are not of you.
Fear not, courageous heart, they are only of the past.
Speak in your lighted tounges of fierce and unconditioned love,
With the skill and devout patience of the Bodhisattvas and Warriors
One sworded wound
One pierced shame.
Release yourself from the rapture of blame.
Remember the (w)hole holiness of which they entered into you.
May you have the strength to accept their offering
And embody the courage of the swords clarity to see without illusion.
For it is through the swords thrusts
That slash open your heart by the ferocious violence of Divine love
And yet, terror itself.
As you come to face the darkness in the world
This refusal of love in the world,
Allow your embodiment to be the living testimony
That love transfigures suffering.
Dissolve into the light of your bones,
Resurrect yourself,
You, the unbroken soul––
You, the unbroken sound––
That Sings your Divine song through your lighted bones
Of embodied wisdom
You––the wounded healer,
illuminated and enlightening.
Each wound, a punctured point of initiation
Requiring you to feel into the depths of your known self
that is trapped by the wounds bound to your identity
Feel through the known self
Beyond where you have allowed the shame to infiltrate
Shutting you down, dividing you from connection
Lulling you into a false sense of self protection
where you hide behind the walls of your own creation
Feel Beyond cold and sharpened edges
Open yourself further
And feel beyond your scars,
Beyond who you think you should be,
Beyond the past and the anticipatory future
Beyond everything that you claim to know.
Empty yourself completely
As the Grace of the Divine Mother Force empties herself into you
You must listen for the silence between the echos of your own screams
And Feel through the fears of hallowed out memories
Allow the unbeaten sound to consume you
So that you may radiate outward towards the stars
Beyond the galaxies and the Universe from whence you came.
Relax open,
Widen beyond all limitations.
Initiate yourself into the flames of the sacred heart,
Surrender completely to the darkness
Where you shall rise up
And know that true surrender is the reclamation of your Sovereignty
Open fully into the dissolution of everything
That prevents you from Intimacy with the Divine
Divine Union leads you into deeper initiations
And shatters you into your Divine revelations.
Embody and embrace your truth––You are the Cosmic Feminine Force
A Warrior of unconditioned love,
Catalyst and renegade in the Universe of the Sacred
You are the burning sacred heart that longs to serve,
Preserve, and nurture every living thing
Breathe through the terror and insurmountable pain of first separation
And you will see.
And you will hear.
And Divine Truth will come to embody you,
Open your bloodied and unconditioned loving Warrior heart
So that you meet yourself in a new way.
Watch all the shadows within you that you had once dissolved,
Coming up to meet the strength of your free and open heart,
Face all the barricades and wars that you have placed
between yourself and the Divine.
And as you face them, realize that your love of the Divine,
And the Divine’s love for you, can never be limited by any fear that you have thrust upon it.
As you embody the point of your resurrection,
Allow your expansiveness
to unfold its wings
meet the darkness in the stillness of silent flight
open to the fullness of your fierce and loving heart
offering yourself to all.
We take you to the Cosmic Yggdrasil tree where we journey to the Ancestral Gardens and you can connect with your Ancestors. The Dragon Consciousness and Yggdrasil Dragons lead you into the heart of the tree where you are given the opportunity to rebirth yourself.
Ancestral Gardens, Odin, Dragon Consciousness, Yggdrasil Dragons, Rebirth